Botox Specialist

Fiyin Sokoya, MD
Double Board Certified Head and Neck Surgeon, Facial Plastic Surgeon in Atlanta, GA
Crow’s feet, smile lines, and other signs of aging can make you feel less than beautiful. If you’d like to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles without surgery or downtime, facial plastic surgeon Fiyin Sokoya, MD, and his team offer Botox® injections in the greater Atlanta area. Botox injections are the No. 1 non-surgical procedure performed in the United States to smooth skin, reduce signs of aging, and boost your self-confidence. Request an appointment with Dr. Sokoya online or over the phone today.
What is Botox?
Botox is an injectable made of botulinum toxin type A, a purified protein neuromodulator. When Dr. Sokoya injects the protein into your facial muscles, it helps block nerve impulses and relaxes facial muscles responsible for smile, frown, and laugh lines. This reduces the frown muscles that pull the brow down and lead to an aged appearance.
While Botox is a non-invasive wrinkle treatment, it can help you achieve dramatic anti-aging results. After injecting Botox into the muscles in your upper face, your eyes open up and appear more youthful and vibrant.
Another common location for Botox injections is in the forehead to soften lines across your brow. Dr. Sokoya can also use Botox to reduce the nasal (bunny) lines on both sides of your nose and the lines around your mouth to give you more youthful-looking lips.
What are the benefits of Botox?
Receiving Botox injections with Dr. Sokoya offers you numerous benefits, including:
- Fewer eye, mouth, and forehead wrinkles
- Smoother facial contours
- Better facial symmetry
- A refreshed look
- A reduced cobblestone appearance in the chin
There are no incisions or downtime associated with Botox, and the procedure is fast and painless.
Is Botox right for me?
Just about everybody with facial lines and wrinkles can benefit from cosmetic injections. Dr. Sokoya reviews your medical history and examines your skin to let you know if Botox best matches your aesthetic needs.
What should I expect during treatment with Botox?
At your appointment, Dr. Sokoya can numb your skin prior to Botox injections so you don’t feel any discomfort. He strategically injects Botox beneath the skin in problem areas, which takes just a few minutes to complete.
After Botox injections, you might experience redness or tenderness at the treatment site, but these side effects soon subside. You can apply ice to your skin if you’d like to reduce swelling more expediently.
When will I notice the results of Botox?
Over the next 3-7 days, you should notice results from your Botox injections. While Botox isn’t a permanent treatment, your results often last 3-6 months.
Dr. Sokoya might recommend a series of Botox injections or a combination of Botox and fillers to help you achieve the most desirable outcome. He works with you to develop a personalized aesthetics treatment plan based on your goals.
Don’t let crow’s feet, frown lines, or laugh lines make you look older than you feel. Request an appointment with Dr. Sokoya over the phone or online today to find out if Botox is right for you.
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